Whether you’re an intrepid explorer, are cautiously curious, or simply want to check “scuba diving” off your bucket list, getting a scuba diving certification will change your life. It changed mine.

Not only is the “barrier to entry” low, but you can do this activity anywhere. And I mean anywhere! Tropical destinations. Crystal clear mountain lakes. Antarctica. My favorite place to dive is is in the Pacific Northwest, where I first learned to dive and teach scuba diving and where I spent 90% of my time in a drysuit exploring the chill waters rich with life, wrecks, and adventure. That said, more often that not, today I also train people who prefer to do their final checkouts in warmer waters. The choice is always yours.
Another perk of learning to dive is the people you will meet. To this day I have yet to find a better activity to introduce you to people from all walks of life, people that share the same joy of being in and around the water. When you embark on your PADI Open Water Course, you opt in to experience a world you didn’t realize existed.
As a Scuba Diving Instructor, I am equipped with the knowledge, skills, and gear you need to give this incredible activity a try.
To book your first scuba diving lesson, get in touch with me via the contact form on my site.
If you don’t have a lot of time on your hands, PADI eLearning is now an option too. With a PADI eLearning course, you’ll do all the “book work” online and then meet in person to do the actual diving portions.
So, where do you start? There are a few options:
If you aren’t sure about committing to a scuba certification but what to give it a try:
Sign up for a Discover Scuba Diving experience
Whether you’re hosting a birthday party or just wanting to give diving a try before you commit, this is a great opportunity to experience being underwater in scuba gear. Bring a partner or your friends and you’ll have even more fun!
You can learn more about the Discover Scuba Diving experience on PADI’s website>>
If you know you’re reading to take the plunge:
Sign up for your PADI Open Water Course
The PADI Open Water Course is the gateway to adventure. This course, consisting of 4 pool sessions, 4 classroom sessions and 4 final checkout dives on the coast, will qualify you to dive to 60 feet. You’ll never see the world the same way after this. The best thing about a PADI scuba diving certification is that it is an internationally recognized qualification. Almost everywhere you travel you’ll find a PADI Dive Shop.
You can learn more about Open Water on PADI’s website>>
If you want to continue your learning:
Sign up for Advanced Open Water
Contrary to what the name implies, you do not actually have to be an advanced diver to take this course. This is simply the next step after Open Water. In fact, I took this course right after my Open Water Course. The best part about it is that you get 5 extra dives with professional divers. This is a great way to build your confidence and learn new skills.
Sign up for Rescue Diver
The Rescue Diver course is designed to be taken after Advanced Open Water. It will help you become a more observant diver both in relation to self-rescue and the rescue of other people. This is a largely surface-based class but is still tons of fun for all! Expect to bring your flair for the dramatic…
If you want to focus on getting good at specific skills:
PADI Specialty Courses
I say “courses” because there are a ton of courses you can take. Whether you’re looking to dive at night (Night Diver Specialty), master a drysuit (Drysuit Specialty), or just get really good at identifying fish (Fish ID Specialty), there is bound to be something to help fast track you to the skillset you desire. P.S.: Love archaeology and wreck diving? Ask me about the Wreck Detective Specialty.
Learn more about what different specialties are available on PADI’s website>>
If you want to take the first step to becoming a dive professional:
Sign up for Divemaster
The Divemaster course is perhaps the course that will most change you. It will heighten your awareness of others, make you a better diver, and introduce you to the professional world of scuba diving. You will also learn more about the importance of supporting your local dive shop, selling gear, and assisting instructors. This course will not only change the way you dive but the way you operate in the world of diving.
Learn more about Divemaster on PADI’s website>>
If you have reservations about learning to scuba dive:

Get in touch with me and talk to me on the phone. I can explain the options and talk with you about any concerns you might have.
It is okay to have reservations! Scuba is as much, if not more than anything, a sport of the mind. That’s what I love most about it. In fact, some of my FAVORITE students are the ones who are least sure about it at the start. So, don’t be a stranger, let’s chat.